Análisis de las anisotropías de la Radiación Cósmica del Fondo de Microondas mediante el uso de Filtros Adaptados

  1. Herranz Muñoz, Diego
Supervised by:
  1. José Luis Sanz Estévez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 25 February 2002

  1. Enrique Martínez González Chair
  2. Fernando Atrio Barandela Secretary
  3. Luigi Toffolatti Ballarin Committee member
  4. Vicent J. Martínez Committee member
  5. Carlos Gutiérrez de la Cruz Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 89117 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


The study of the anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is one of the milestones of modern Cosmology. Before the analysis of the CMB itself, it is important to apply statistical tools to the data in order to identify and separate the different physical components that contribute to the sky emission at microwave wavelengths. In this Thesis a new linear filter is proposed, the so-called Scale Adaptive Filter (SAF), that takes into account the characteristic spatial signature of compact sources (namely galaxies and galaxy clusters) in order to optimise the detection of such sources in CMB data. The SAF is firstly theoretically introduced and then it is applied to realistic simulated CMB data as they will be observed by the upcoming ESA¿s Planck Mission. The considered cases include both unidimensional and bidimensional data sets at one single frequency (for the case of the detection of radio and infrared galaxies) or considering several frequency channels (for the case of the detection of galaxy clusters via the Sunyaev-Zel¿dovich effect). The SAF is found to be a robust and powerful tool for the detection of compact sources in astronomical images.