Del bien trascendental al bien materialanálisis del concepto de bondad en la teoría metafísica de Francisco Suárez

  1. Poncela González, Ángel
El Amor de Dios que es Amor: reflexiones en torno a la Enciclica de Benedicto XVI Deus caritas est
  1. Lázaro Pulido, Manuel (coord.)

Publisher: Instituto de Teología "San Pedro de Alcántara" de Cáceres

ISBN: 978-84-611-6367-0

Year of publication: 2007

Pages: 237-258

Type: Book chapter


The idea of the good has constituted in the western metaphysics a central role in the regimentation of anthropologic theories of diverse nature. We deal in the present study, in sole right, of the conception supported by the Spanish thinker Francisco Suárez in his Disputationes Metaphysicae. We depart from the reflection of the good, as transcendental property of the entity, to descend from this one here to the consideration of the person in intentional agent. The individual, still acting of intention with the sight put in the attainment of a certain good, to the time, formally he reaches the good that him is own and suitable: the kindness.