Nuevas aportaciones a las bases de subsistencia de origen animal durante el Gravetiense cantábrico

  1. Castaños Ugarte, Pedro María
  2. Álvarez Fernández, Esteban
Pensando el Gravetiense: nuevos datos para la región cantábrica en su contexto peninsular y pirenaico
  1. Heras Martín, Carmen de las (ed. lit.)
  2. Lasheras Corruchaga, José Antonio (ed. lit.)
  3. Arrizabalaga Valbuena, Álvaro (ed. lit.)
  4. Rasilla Vives, Marco de la (ed. lit.)

Editorial: Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte

Año de publicación: 2012

Páginas: 313-329

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


This article approaches the question of the marine and terrestrial biotic resources exploited in Cantabrian Spain in the Gravettian period. Its aim is to establish the overview of the animal basis for subsistence during this techno-cultural complex. The finds of marine animals in Gravettian deposits are, to date, not very abundant. Mostly mollusc shells have been documented (mainly the species Patella vulgata and Littorina littorea), although remains of fish, birds and sea mammals are also present. It is important to point out that the most abundant collections of these remains come from sites that have been excavated in recent decades (e.g. La Garma A and Aitzbitarte III). The exploitation of terrestrial remains is studied according to the relative frequencies of the ungulates found in the different samples from Cantabrian Spain. To calculate the frequencies, the number of remains (NR) has been used, for reasons of statistical reliability. The fauna structures of both published and unpublished Gravettian deposits are compared.