Evaluar la calidad en la investigación cualitativa. Guías o checklists

  1. Palacios Vicario, Beatriz
  2. Sánchez Gómez, María Cruz
  3. Gutiérrez García, Andrea
Investigar la Comunicación hoy. Revisión de políticas científicas y aportaciones metodológicas: Simposio Internacional sobre Política Científica en Comunicación
  1. Vicente Mariño, Miguel (coord.)
  2. González Hortigüela, Tecla (coord.)
  3. Pacheco Rueda, Marta (coord.)

Publisher: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Juridicas y de la Comunicación ; Universidad de Valladolid

ISBN: 978-84-616-4124-6

Year of publication: 2013

Volume Title: Comunicaciones 3

Volume: 3

Pages: 581-596

Congress: Simposio Internacional sobre Política Científica en Comunicación (1. 2013. null)

Type: Conference paper


In this paper we collect the main notions about quality in qualitative research and the available tools to guarantee it. The rigor and the methodological quality are considered nowadays a challenge in the research (Cornejo y Salas, 2011). When we talk about quality in research, we mention the accuracy in the process, in general, and of the methodological, particularly. Reason about the quality requires asking ourselves about the truthfulness of the results and about the credibility of the developed work. To evaluate the quality and the methodological rigor in the qualitative methodology studies we propose a series of checklists. These tools follow the order of the research process that, in general, includes with more or less details different aspects of the research such as: justification, data collection, presentation and results analysis, discussion and elaboration of the diffusion of the final report. At the end of this paper, we present the application of one of the guides referred to a research.