Modelo de atuação para bibliotecários em investigações sobre o comportamento do leitor digital a partir da análise do programa territorio Ebook

  1. Taísa Dantas
  2. Raquel Gómez-Días
  3. José Antonio Cordón-García
A Ciência Aberta o contributo da Ciência da Informação: atas do VIII Encontro Ibérico EDICIC
  1. Maria Manuel Borges (coord.)
  2. Elias Sanz Casado (coord.)

Publisher: Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX ; Universidade de Coimbra

ISBN: 978-972-8627-76-8

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 1123-1133

Congress: Encuentro Ibérico EDICIC (8. 2017. Coimbra)

Type: Conference paper


The objective of this article is to discuss the role of librarians in activities related to reading research projects. Also, to define a useful model that these professionals can employ whenever they plan to do or participate, within the libraries, on a research focused on the behaviour of the digital reader. It is a case study with a qualitative approach focused on the analysis of the activities developed by librarians within the Territorio Ebook program. Based on this study, it was possible to define four lines of action as the foundation for the proposed model: task management performed during the project development; elaboration of dynamic activities (animation and promotion of reading) applied during the research; training of the reader on digital reading; projection and social transfer of the results achieved. It was possible to concluded that librarians have the appropriate formation and skills set to assume this role, participating not only as a support for researchers specialized in reading studies, but as an active participant in projects with this focus.