El significado cronológico de algunas especies de faunia fría durante el Tardiglaciar en la Península Ibérica
- Álvarez Fernández, Esteban
- Jöris, Olaf
ISSN: 0514-7336
Ano de publicación: 1998
Número: 51
Páxinas: 61-86
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Zephyrus: Revista de prehistoria y arqueología
During recent years the comparison and synchronisation of several high-resolution climate archives (ice-cores, deep sea cores and terrestrial sequences) has repeatedly shown that Late Glacial climatic oscillations were firstly very rapid and secondly, at least in the northern hemisphere, more or less simultaneous events. This database has made it possible to establish a broad spectrum of parameters which can be used to model the essential mechanisms of European Late Glacial climatic change. During phases when northern and north-western Europe lay for longer periods of time outside the direct influence of the North Atlantic Current (Gulf Stream) the tail of the current switched directly to the latitude of the Iberian Peninsula. Here, climate change had a far less severe impact on the flora and fauna than in the more northern regions, although the pattern of oscillations is the same as in Greenland or the North Atlantic. Nevertheless, several pleniglacial climatic events allowed characteristic species to reach the northern edge of the Iberian Peninsula and, during certain time-slices, to penetrate even further to the south. This paper discusses the chronological significance of typical Cold Fauna elements from specific Late Glacial sites, as represented by both skeletal remains and mobiliary and parietal art. Finally, we discuss the absolute age of the Cantabrian "Magdaleniense con Triángulos" relative to the cold climate faunal data.