De "patres in curiam uocabat" a "uocari patres iubet"el Princeps y el léxico de la convocatoria y celebración de reuniones del senado en los Annales de Tácito

  1. Andrés Sanz, María Adelaida

ISSN: 1130-3336

Year of publication: 2003


Issue: 14

Pages: 121-144

Type: Article

More publications in: Voces


All through the Annals, Tacitus manages to make us understand that from 14 to 66 A. D. Román destiny depends no longer on its citizens as a community ranked into assemblies, senate and consulship, but on only one person, the Princeps, whom everybody is subordinated. Regarding the submission of the senate, one of the ways that Tacitus finds to develop this idea is a particular use of its specialized lexicum. His use of the words that allude to the summoning and holding of senatorial sessions succeeds, on the one hand, in impressing on his readers' minds the idea that the senate is completely submitted to the Princeps; and, on the other, in making us feel this submission as a process of gradual degradation of the senatorial institution.