Las áreas de montaña en Españabalance sobre su investigación y su tratamiento en los últimos quince años

  1. Plaza Gutiérrez, Juan Ignacio
Ería: Revista cuatrimestral de geografía

ISSN: 0211-0563 2660-7018

Ano de publicación: 2008

Número: 75

Páxinas: 5-25

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Ería: Revista cuatrimestral de geografía


The mountain's spaces in Spain: Balance on their treatment and research in the last fifteen years.- This work to make a synthesis about the projection, transcendency and importance that have reached the mountain areas in Spain in the last fifteen years, to be able to value if so much the treatment of the same ones (not only in the institutional and normative environment, but also in its formative or educational dimension), as its investigation from different areas of knowledge and study, they continue being lines or environments with presence and diffusion and if they exercise attraction and interest like analysis axis and as territories of intervention and action.