Ideas de los futuros maestros sobre los animales y las arañas en particular

  1. Urones Jambrina, Carmen
  2. Vacas Peña, José Manuel
  3. Sánchez-Barbudo Ruiz-Tapiador, Miguel Claudio
Electronic journal of research in educational psychology

ISSN: 1696-2095

Datum der Publikation: 2010

Ausgabe: 8

Nummer: 21

Seiten: 787-814

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Electronic journal of research in educational psychology

Informationen zur Finanzierung

We are very grateful to Diane Garvey for her invaluable help with the English. This research was partially supported by Regional Ministry of Education of Castile and Leon (Spain) (under project SA113A07) and by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (through grant SEJ2007-61428/EDUC).


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