Flora y vegetación vascular de la comarca de La Vera y laderas meridionales de la Sierra de Tormantos (Cáceres, España)

  1. Amor Morales, Ángel
  2. Ladero Álvarez, Miguel
  3. Valle Gutiérrez, Cipriano J.
Studia botanica

ISSN: 0211-9714

Année de publication: 1993

Número: 11

Pages: 11-207

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Studia botanica

Objectifs de Développement Durable


A study has been made of the flora and vegetation of the northeast end of the province of Caceres, corresponding to the district of La Vera and the southern slopes of the Sierra de Tormantos. This territory features sharp reliefs, mainly formed of granite substrates. The bioclimatic study has revealed the presence of several vegetation belts ranging from mesomediterranean (La Vera) to supra- and oromediterranean (Sierra de Tormantos). Rainfall is heavy with ombrotypes ranging from subhumid to ultrahiperhumid, following an altitudinal gradient. The biogeographic study reveals that the zone studied encompasses both the Luso-Extremaduran province (Verense district) and the Carpetano-Iberian-Leonese province (the Tormantos and High Gredos districts). The phytosociological study has allowed us to recognize 107 associations, of which the following are described for the first time: Anogrammo leptophyllae-Umbilicetum rupestris as well as the subassociations: Sedetum caespitoso-arenarii sedetosum lusitanici, Cytisetum scopario-eriocarpi genistetosum floridae and Genisto floridae-Cytisetum scoparii festucetosum elegantis. We also describe a humid termophilic aspect with Myrtus communis from the Luso-Extremaduran holm-oak area of Pyro bourgaeanae- Quercetum rotundifoliae. In the section dedicated to synphytosociology we describe the nine series of vegetation detected in the territory. Finally, we offer a floristic catalogue, comprising some 1.150 taxon that are deposited in the SALAF Herbarium. An appendix is added dedicated to reviewing some folders by D. Marcelo Rivas Mateos in the Sierra de Gredos that are cited in his work "Flora de la Provincia de Cáceres".