Autoeficacia y delincuencia

  1. Garrido Martín, Eugenio
  2. Herrero Alonso, María Carmen
  3. Masip Pallejá, Jaume

ISSN: 0214-9915

Year of publication: 2002

Issue Title: Especial Violencia

Volume: 14

Issue: 1

Pages: 63-71

Type: Article

More publications in: Psicothema


1063 participant (age 14-21 yrs) from Salamanca were interviewed regarding their criminal behaviour according the model developed in European Union. In addition to problem and delinquent behaviour they recorded their perceived self-efficacy for committing the offenses described in the questionaire. This study reveals that (a) people who beging a �career� as a criminal continue to carry out all kinds of criminal and problem behaviours; (b) sociodemographic and enviromental variables are related to delinquent behaviour, and (c) nevertheless, those variables are of little predictive value compared to judgment of self-efficacy for delinquency. Once they make a decision on moral disengagement grounds they engage in activities in the moral/legal sphere so that transgressive behaviour is accounted for by the same processes as non-criminal behaviour. Thus contributions of other theories of crime are interpreted within a new criminological explanation.

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