El derecho a la Declaración Anticipada de Voluntades e Instrucciones Previasconocimiento y competencia profesional

  1. Arbe Ochandiano, María Milagros
  2. Calvo Sánchez, María Dolores
Metas de enfermería

ISSN: 1138-7262

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 16

Issue: 7

Type: Article

More publications in: Metas de enfermería


Objective: to determine the knowledge by nursing professionals about the Prior Instructions (PI) document; to identify the access to documents in the formal PI registry existing in the Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla y León (CyL), Spain; to understand the perception by professionals about nursing competence regarding said document, and whether they are acting with complete technical and scientific autonomy according to current legislation. Method: transversal descriptive study, during the first trimester of 2010; the study population was nurses from Castilla y León. From a total population of 16,002 professionals registered in the nine official Associations of Nurses in the province, 850 nurses were selected by gender and age quotas. A questionnaire prepared ad hoc for the study (10 items) was used for data collection. Results: 816 valid surveys were completed. A 79% of professionals claim to know the PI document. A 29% does not know which their competence is, as determined by current legislation. An 80% considers that those cares stated in the PI document fall within their competence. A 98% acknowledges that feeding and hydrating a terminal patient are nursing competences. Regarding the disconnection of the ventilator or the interruption of feeding and hydration, 52% would do it if there was a medical order, 16% would allege conscientious objection, and 32% would do it without any condition. Only 9% state that they have access to the formal registry, and claim it is necessary to increase the level of training about this matter. Conclusions: the majority of nursing professionals is aware of the current legislation about PIs, and considers them as a right of the patient, even though there are reasonable doubts about whether this competence can be conducted in an autonomous way, confirming there is no access to the formal registry. They have no problems in being actively involved in disconnection or discontinuation of feeding or nutrition by patient order, and they acknowledge the need for higher training and research.

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