El debate literario sobre la modernidad en el Jaón de preguerra y posguerraYasuda Yojuro y Kobayashi

  1. Falero Folgoso, Alfonso
Kokoro: Revista para la difusión de la cultura japonesa
  1. Cid Lucas, Fernando (coord.)
  2. Gómez Aragón, Anjhara (coord.)

ISSN: 2171-4959

Datum der Publikation: 2013

Titel der Ausgabe: Japón: Identidad, Identidades

Nummer: 1

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Kokoro: Revista para la difusión de la cultura japonesa


Japanese critics of modernism Kobayashi Hideo and Yasuda Yojuro wrote an important chapter in the history of the formation of the consciousness of identity in the field of literary semiotics in Japan. It is necessary to review their contribution in the present context of the global debate on national and cultural identities. Kobayashi has had a say on current critics of the sort of Karatani Kojin, who has made an appreciative reception of the former�s critic way of thinking. Here the author of this essay claims that the position of Kobayashi in favour of the aesthetic category of beauty should not be misunderstood for sheer aestheticism, but on the contrary it may imply a positive stance towards a restatement of meaning in a desemanticised world of pure profit.