Los sitios Web de centros de investigación biosanitaria de Castilla y LeónUn análisis cibermétrico

  1. Sánchez Pita, Fernando
  2. Alonso Berrocal, José Luis
Revista Latina de Comunicación Social

ISSN: 1138-5820

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 68

Type: Article

DOI: 10.4185/RLCS-2013-982 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Revista Latina de Comunicación Social


Institutional websites are sources of content and spaces that bring together users and institutions with common interests and objectives. This article offers an analysis of this type of digital resources from a structural perspective that goes beyond their design or the quality of their content. Methods. To this end, this article offers a social network analysis, supported by cybermetrics, of the structure of the websites of the biomedical research centres of Castile and León. This study presents the different properties of the network structures and the topological measures that allow the identification of the most important pages of each website according to the flows of information, which influences the visibility of the contents that these websites want to disseminate. Results. The results indicate that there are certain areas that can be improved in the structure of the sample of websites. In particular, there the study detected a lack of information links and homepages that had little relevance in comparison to the rest of the website. Conclusions. Finally, after the evaluation of results, this study revealed deficiencies in the structure of the sample of websites, which will affect their objectives and will complicate the dissemination of contents and their visibility.

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