Sedimentología y evolución de la toba de la Peña del Manto, río Henar(Deza-Soria)
ISSN: 1576-5172
Argitalpen urtea: 2006
Zenbakien izenburua: VI Congreso del Grupo Español del Terciario
Zenbakia: 9
Orrialdeak: 101-106
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Geotemas (Madrid)
Recent spring-fed streams associated to the boundary between the Cretaceous carbonates and Palaeogene conglomerates deposited tufa sediments and covered the terraced slope in the left margin of the Henar river near Deza (Soria). Five main facies have been recognized: macrophytic and briophytic boundstones, oncoid rudstones, clastic sediments (terrigenous and tufa materials) and diagenetic cements. Three episodes through the tufa development can be recognized. The first and older episode covers the lower terrace and mainly consists of algal components. The second is charactrized by the sedimentation of a conglomeratic wedge that implies a possible change to drier and/or colder conditions. The third and more recent episode occupies the upper terrace and is dominated by briophytic buildups.