Evaluación de la calidad de vida de adultos con discapacidad intelectual institucionalizados en Chile

  1. Vanessa Vega Córdova
  2. Cristina Jenaro Río
  3. Noelia Flores Robaina
  4. Maribel Cruz Ortiz
  5. Andrés Lerdo de Tejada
Universitas psychologica

ISSN: 1657-9267

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 12

Issue: 2

Pages: 471-481

Type: Article


More publications in: Universitas psychologica


This study analyzes the quality of life for a sample of 285 institutionalized adults with intellectual disabilities. Quality of life, as assessed by professionals, is conceptualized according to the eight domains model from Schalock and Verdugo. The study also offers evidence of the adequacy (reliability and validity) of the Cross-cultural Measure of Quality of Life Indicators for use with this population. The results revealed significant differences in importance and use of the different dimensions of quality of life, and evaluation ratings of quality of life, based on the degree of disability of the participants. Length of institutionalization significantly impacted on ratings of importance of the different domains of quality of life. Discussion on further research on perceptions of service providers concerning the quality of life of its users and the impact of institutionalization is included.