El radioyente castellanoleonés de retransmisiones deportivas. El fútbol como reclamo y la incidencia del radiovidente en esta región de España

  1. Herrero Gutiérrez, Francisco Javier
Razón y palabra

ISSN: 1605-4806

Year of publication: 2012

Issue Title: Comunicación y derechos humanos

Issue: 81

Type: Article

More publications in: Razón y palabra


This article analyzes an aspect of communication related to sports communication in radio. Specifically, this paper examines three hypotheses linked to Castilian-Leonese (Spain) listener of sport broadcasting in generalistic radio. The first one refers to de effect than the different sports have for a listener when they choose the radio to listen a sport event. The second hypothesis assesses the impact that the figure of �radioviewer� has in Castile and Leon (Spain), i.e. that listener who tuned simultaneously radio and television to watch a particular sporting event. With the third hypothesis, it is tried to find the reasons why the figure of �radioviewer� exists, something that is sought through the relationship with that fact �why a receiver performs the practice� and indirectly �when a receiver does not perform the practice, why not. The approach to the hypotheses is investigated through the analysis of three variables encompassed within a larger survey that was carried out in this region of Spain. The survey was conducted on a sample of 200 people of Castile and Leon (Spain) who claimed to be listeners of sports broadcasting programs belonging to one of these five generalistic stations of Spain with broader national broadcast: �Carrusel Deportivo� (Cadena SER), �Tiempo de Juego� (COPE), �Radioestadio� (Onda Cero), �Tablero Deportivo� (Radio Nacional de España) and �La Liga en Punto� (Punto Radio).