El mercadeo como factor clave para lograr la satisfacción de consumidores socialmente responsables

  1. William José Boscán Carrasquero
  2. Guillermo Enrique Boscán Carrasquero
CICAG: Revista del Centro de Investigación de Ciencias Administrativas y Gerenciales

ISSN: 1856-6189

Year of publication: 2013

Issue Title: Septiembre 2012-Febrero 2013

Volume: 10

Issue: 1

Pages: 17-28

Type: Article

More publications in: CICAG: Revista del Centro de Investigación de Ciencias Administrativas y Gerenciales


The purpose of this paper is describe marketing as a key factor to achieve socially responsible consumer satisfaction, considering the social response process meeting their needs as important as that is the meaning of the organizations. The methodology used was documentary and descriptive, consulting theories of Burgos (2007), Fernández (2005), Renart (2004), Brío and Junquera (2001), Foundation, Business and Society (1999), Schiffman & Lazar (1997). In relation to marketing, Gómez & Luis-Bassa (2005), Pérez (2004), Zeithaml (2002), Kotler and Armstrong (2001), Mohr et al (2001), Sen and Bhattacharya (2001), Stanton , Etzel and Walker (2000), Ellen et al (2000), Brown & Dacin (1997), Creyer & Ross (1997) and Webster (1975). The marketing constitutes an element of link between the company and the environment. Between the options that try to satisfy the demands the socially responsible consumers we have the ecologic marketing, the just trade, the marketing with reason. When the managerial organizations decide to tackle actions of marketing expressing the feeling of the organization towards the Social Responsibility, they receive the name of social marketing and when the same ones carry out in order of reaching commercial specific aims; refer to the options of the marketing. The socially responsible consumers are a group in expansion with very significant characteristics for the marketing, since they are ready to translate its worries in a kind conduct of purchase and in many cases to paying an overprice for the value of the product or service. Marketing must take advantage of this opportunity to reach a competitive advantage, the positioning of the brand, an increase of sales and a better maker share. To finish would be interesting to study the relation between the relational marketing, the enterprise and the socially responsible consumers.