Anestésicos locales en odontologíavaloración mediante pulsioximetría

  1. Joaquín Francisco López Marcos
  2. Silvia García Valle
  3. Cenador Begoña García
Acta odontológica venezolana

ISSN: 0001-6365

Any de publicació: 2006

Volum: 44

Número: 1

Pàgines: 22-27

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Acta odontológica venezolana

Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible


Objetives To know the answer in the field the odontolgy the two anesthetic premises that are used habitually, like are articaine and lidocaine, as well as the adverse effects that could be generated on the SNC, the cardiovascular controls and structures of the infiltration area. Patients: They were included in the study 264 distributed patients in a random way in two groups of 198 and 66 patients that received articaína and lidocaína respectively whose ages were between the 19 and 56 years. Methods: The patients were controlled by means of oximeter BPM 200 before beginning the procedure, after the anesthesia, when beginning the extraction and concluded this. The blood pressure was controlled by means of digital sphygmomanometer OMRON M4-I. The anesthetic ones used went lidocaine to the 2 % with epinephrine and articaine to 4 % with epinephrine, both to a concentration of 1: 100.000. The statistical analysis was made by means of the analysis of the variance. It was analyzed by means of the statistical package SPSS version 11 implemented for PC. The level of trust was of 80 % in the detection of the relative risk, with a range of the 1.84 or greater, one and of 0.54 or minor, for a level of significance of 0,05. Conclusión: Lidocaine like articaine associated to epinephrine, they can be considered as the local, adecuated and safe anesthetics in the dental practice. It is necessary to have singular taken care of in the use of these local anesthetics in hypertense patients or with cardiovascular problems, reason why the control with pulsioxymetry would be adecuated.

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