CiberÉtica como ética aplicadauna introducción

  1. Romero Muñoz, Javier

ISSN: 1989-7022

Ano de publicación: 2017

Título do exemplar: Ética de datos, sociedad y ciudadanía

Número: 24

Páxinas: 45-63

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Dilemata


Applied Ethics arises in the relationship of different social areas with the ethical and moral problems. A recent topic in these debate has been the technological and computer advancement, in which computer, ethics and the information intertwine. As applied ethics CypherEthics arises, a new place of knowledge and thought between computer science and ethics. To guide our introduction objective, this paper offers three aspects about this issue: an analysis of society in information age (1), an analysis of the relationship between information age and CyberEthics (2), and an evidence areas and subareas in CyberEthics (3). Finally, the Hacker Ethic has six principles that communities of hackers embody in their life and technical work since 1980.

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