De idolorum cultoresuna visión general sobre la blasfemia y delitos contra la divinidad en Yucatán durante la colonia

  1. Izaskun Álvarez Cuartero
Clío & Crímen: Revista del Centro de Historia del Crimen de Durango

ISSN: 1698-4374

Year of publication: 2016

Issue Title: Los delitos contra el honor en la Historia

Issue: 13

Pages: 109-124

Type: Article

More publications in: Clío & Crímen: Revista del Centro de Historia del Crimen de Durango


The aim of this work is to offer a theoretical overview of the crimes of blasphemy and idolatry in Yucatan. For a better understanding of the situation of Yucatan�s Maya population during the colonial period and the policies of conquest, it is necessary to understand the dynamics of resistance in the peninsula and the distinctiveness of the colonization process. Moreover, the article will focus on the plans to reduce the indigenous population and the missionary practices and extirpation of idolatry practiced by the civil authorities and the regular orders.