El cuidador informal de personas mayores institucionalizadasanálisis de la relación y consecuencias del suministro de apoyo

  1. Laura Mercedes Hernández
  2. Jesús Rivera Navarro
Trabajo social hoy

ISSN: 1134-0991

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 85

Pages: 65-86

Type: Article

DOI: 10.12960/TSH.2018.0016 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Trabajo social hoy


The increased rate of ageing population, the prevalence of chronic illnesses –especially amongst the over 65s– and the emergence of various factors that limit the amount of support available from family members may be at least partially reorienting care or part of this care towards formal healthcare resources like nursing homes. The general aim of this research is to explore the relationship between informal caregivers and their dependent family members in nursing homes. The results obtained indicate that such persons maintain their relationship and level of care following institutionalisation and, therefore, informal caregivers are not immune to the negative effects derived from such situations and the support they provide. We may also infer the importance of family support for both the providers and beneficiaries of such help despite the institutionalisation of certain responsibilities.

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