Medios marinos y marinos-salobres en la Bahía de Cádiz durante el Pleistoceno

  1. Caridad Zazo
  2. José Luis Goy
  3. Cristino José Dabrio González
Mediterránea: Serie de Estudios Geológicos

ISSN: 0212-4300

Year of publication: 1983

Issue: 2

Pages: 29-52

Type: Article

More publications in: Mediterránea: Serie de Estudios Geológicos


The Bay of Cádiz occupies a depression due to a fault bearing ENE - OSO, which is observed from the foothills of the San Cristóbal Sierra to the El Aculadero area, more to the north. This tectonic accident is covered by undisrupted sediments of upper Pliocene age (Facies Ostionera) in several places. Despite the general regressive trend which characterize the late Pliocene and Pleistocene ages, marines or littoral environments maintained in the Bay of Cádiz in relation to its depressed situation. The studied successions show transgresive megasequences separated by regressive episodes with karstification. A big bay existed in those times (Plio/Pleistocene) between Rota and La Barrosa (Chiclana de la Frontera) which extended along the valley of the Guadalete River, just by the paleo cliff of Sierra de San Cristóbal. Two islands corresponding to the Cerro de Centa and Cerro de los Mártires emerged. The general retreat of the sea eventually led to the development of barrier islands, lagoons and marshes that were repeatedly inundated during the Pleistocene due to positive oscillations of the «relative» sea level averaging 10-15 m. The pattern of sedimentary environments is fairly similar to the present-day model which the Valdelagrana spit bar acts as a barrier island placed between the open sea and the lagoon (marismas) that interfinger to the land with alluvial fan and colluvial continental environments. The size of the paleo-bay has decreased with time.

Bibliographic References

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