Bibliotecas, juegos y gamificaciónuna tendencia de presente con mucho futuro

  1. Raquel Gómez-Díaz
  2. Araceli García-Rodríguez
Anuario ThinkEPI

ISSN: 1886-6344

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 12

Volume: 1

Pages: 125-135

Type: Article

More publications in: Anuario ThinkEPI


Gamification is the inclusion of game elements in contexts other than those traditionally related to leisure and entertainment. In recent years, it has grown as a trend as shown by the increase in the number of reports, papers, meetings, platforms, and software programs, as well as the number of gamification experiences that have been developed in multiple environments. The application of gamification to the library can generate important benefits, but for this to happen, a series of requirements are necessary to guarantee successful application. With the right processes in place, libraries can take advantage of the predisposition that we all have to play. The proper channeling of the game will serve to motivate and change user behaviors related to spaces, collections, services, and activities.

Bibliographic References

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