
  1. López de la Vieja, María Teresa dir.

Éditorial: Editions L'Harmattan

ISBN: 978-2-296-56475-6

Année de publication: 2011

Type: Livre


How could Ethics be modified by Internet? In cyberspace, there is more information available, but its quality has to be assessed. Applied Ethics in Internet could present a complete outlook of pros and cons of computer-mediated information. The prospect of an international or global ethical dialogue seems a strong argument in favour of sharing information and good practices through the new technologies. Websites, blogs, databases, surveys and online resources provide with transparency for ethical deliberation. At the same time, this deliberation has to observe some norms, since practical deliberation requires a normative framework and an adequate level of governance. However, governing cyberspace is quite complicated; for this reason, "e-Ethics" is a real improvement and also defiance for individuals and for institutions. The book examines theoretical dimensions and some practical aspects of online Ethics.