Las expulsiones y desplazamientos en las comunidades indígenas de los Altos de Chiapasconsecuencias no anticipadas de la modernización

  1. Rey Poveda, Luis Alberto del
América latina hoy: Revista de ciencias sociales

ISSN: 1130-2887

Year of publication: 1998

Volume: 19

Pages: 13-21

Type: Article

More publications in: América latina hoy: Revista de ciencias sociales


evictions and migratory movements of some indigenous communities of the Altos of Chiapas are the result of religious differences which arose within those communities. Conversion to non-traditional religions involves a rupture with the traditional order and alters one of the key elements relating to the unity of the community. However, there are more profound, structural determinants under these religious considerations. These determinants allow us to see these forced movements as a response of communities to an unsustainable situation. The peculiar modernization process of the state of Chipas contributed to make this situation even more dramatic in the region of the Altos.