Estudios sobre la resistencia a la retinopatía de la prematuridadII. Reacción al oxígeno de las células del endotelio vascular retiniano
- Alió, J.L.
- Ludeña, M.
- Millán, A.
- García, S
ISSN: 0365-6691
Year of publication: 1991
Volume: 60
Issue: 1
Pages: 61-68
Type: Article
More publications in: Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia
The authors study the ultrastructural reaction to prolonged normobaric hyperoxia of the endothelial vascular retinal cell of the newborn albino rat, the holangiotic animal most resis- tant to the development of experimental Retinopathy of Prematurity (R.P.). It is shown that, in reaction to oxygen, the endothelial cell develops an hypertrophic cytoplasmic activation with hyperplasy and hypertrophy of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondrial and only occasionally endothelial cell degeneration. These findings suggest that a compensatory overproduction of membrane's material reactive to hyperoxia night be the physiopathological clue to the peculiar neonatal resistance to oxygen of the immature retinal vessels of animal species.