Quimioterapia de inducción en cáncer avanzado de laringe

  1. Pablo Santos Gorjón
  2. Gonzalo Martín Hernández
  3. Jaime Ceballos Viró
  4. José Enrique Alés Martínez
  5. María del Mar Velasco Casares
  6. Magdalena de Miguel Gil
Revista ORL

ISSN: 2444-7986 2444-7986

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 6

Pages: 31-44

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista ORL


Laryngeal cancer is the most common neoplasm of the upper aerodigestive tract, and more psychosocial impact produced. Material and methods. A retrospective and analytical study of 32 patients diagnosed with advanced laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma at our institution for 48 consecutive months (June 2012-June 2014). After reviewing the clinical records retrospectively, we describe the diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm we perform. Results: In 9.4% of cases treatment with organ preservation (TOP) due to poor tolerance stopped. Another 9.4% show complete response to chemotherapy. 21.9% of patients required surgical salvage. 9.4% of patients died from complications of treatment. Discussion: The treatment of locally advanced laryngeal tumor is controversial. Patients receiving TOP pose a therapeutic challenge as both tracking and Rehabilitation. This subgroup of patients currently accounts for 65.3% of patients treated in our hospital for laryngeal carcinoma. Conclusions: The TOP is an alternative but requires individualize each case. We stress the importance of primary and secondary prevention, with the increased incidence of the disease.

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