Tratamiento endovascular de fístula arteriovenosa parotídea

  1. Pablo Santos Gorjón
  2. Elena Sánchez Terradillos
  3. Eva María Mingo Sánchez
  4. Juan Luis Sánchez Jara Sánchez
  5. Gonzalo Martín Hernández
Revista ORL

ISSN: 2444-7986 2444-7986

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 6

Pages: 154-159

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista ORL


Most of the arteriovenous fistulas have a traumatic origin: Facial injuries of parotid region. There are described a few series and the objetive is remarck the eco-doppler utitlity as the first diagnosic metod in all throbbing tinnitus. Material and metods: We present a 40 years old woman wo consult for a trhobbing tinnitus for years of evolution beforea a traffic accident. Parotid palpation show an intraparotid nodular formation, depressive and delimitated. Before an anodine otoscopy, a normal audition and impedanciometric A tipe curves. We suspect a vascular alteration and an eco-doppler was done; these confirm the aerteriovenous fistula and a magnetic resonance confirms a mass with an afferent artery and collets a lot of gadolineum. Results: We diagnosed an arteriovenous fistula in the parotid region dependant on exteranal carotid artery. The patient tolerated very good the problem and do an annual control. As the tinnitus was worse tolerated, we propossed embolism the aferal vase. Discussion: Arteriovenous fistula and traumatic aneurism are traumatic vassels injuries, caused by white arms, or chirurgical vascular antecedent. Differential diagnosys include angioma, vascular tumors or aneurism. Conclussion: The endovascular approach requieres a previus arteriography and if the lession is very big or very syntomatic coud been opperated on dividing the fistula and reconstruction of artery and venous vassel is doned.

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