Abordaje terapéutico de las infecciones urinarias en la oficina de farmacia

  1. GUTIERREZ, Andrea
  2. ALDASORO, Pilar

ISSN: 2445-1355

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 1

Issue: 2

Pages: 25-32

Type: Article

More publications in: Farmajournal


In Spain, they are the most common nosocomial infections, below respiratory infections; 50% of women may have a UTI throughout his life, becoming a pathology linked more females than males, which can be attributed to pregnancy, sexual activity and hormonal changes experienced by women. Urinary tract infection is colonization and microbial growth, usually bacterial, along the urinary system. Called pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis or prostatitis if affecting kidney and renal pelvis, bladder, urethra or prostate, respectively. We performed a study on a group of random people affected by urinary tract infection, with two goals; first one, guiding the patient with prevention methods, and second one, finding cases of recurrence and discovering what may be the most attached factors to it. After the study, there is a conclusive result about age; women usually suffer this disease at any time of life from puberty onwards, while for men it occurs only in at the young and elderlier age. Regarding risk factors that trigger recurrences were observed gastroenteritis, pregnancy and ovarian cysts as the most notable ones. Finally, forming the most vulnerable groups of the population are young women and menopausal women.

Bibliographic References

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