Extensive characterization of the immunophenotype and pattern of cytokine production by distinct subpopulations of normal human peripheral blood MHC II+/lineage- cells

  1. Almeida, J.
  2. Bueno, C.
  3. Alguero, M.C.
  4. Sanchez, M.L.
  5. Canizo, M.C.
  6. Fernandez, M.E.
  7. Vaquero, J.M.
  8. Laso, F.J.
  9. Escribano, L.
  10. San Miguel, J.F.
  11. Orfao, A.
Clinical and Experimental Immunology

ISSN: 0009-9104

Argitalpen urtea: 1999

Alea: 118

Zenbakia: 3

Orrialdeak: 392-401

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-2249.1999.01078.X GOOGLE SCHOLAR