Posttransplant hematopoiesis in patients undergoing sibling allogeneic stem cell transplantation reflects that of their respective donors although with a lower functional capability
- Sanchez-Guijo, F.M.
- Sanchez-Abarca, L.-I.
- Villaron, E.
- Lopez-Holgado, N.
- Alberca, M.
- Vazquez, L.
- Perez-Simon, J.A.
- Lopez-Fidalgo, J.
- Orfao, A.
- Caballero, M.-D.
- Del Cañizo, M.-C.
- San Miguel, J.F.
ISSN: 0301-472X
Argitalpen urtea: 2005
Alea: 33
Zenbakia: 8
Orrialdeak: 935-943
Mota: Artikulua