Oxidation and Removal of Industrial Textile Dyes by a Novel Peroxidase Extracted from Post-harvest Lentil (Lens culinaris L.) Stubble

  1. Hidalgo, N.
  2. Mangiameli, G.
  3. Manzano, T.
  4. Zhadan, G.G.
  5. Kennedy, J.E.
  6. Shnyrov, V.L.
  7. Roig, M.G.
Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering

ISSN: 1976-3816 1226-8372

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 16

Issue: 4

Pages: 821-829

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1007/S12257-010-0453-9 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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