Acute tubular necrosis: An old term in search for a new meaning within the evolving concept of acute kidney injury

  1. Sancho-Martínez, S.M.
  2. Prieto, L.
  3. Blanco-Gozalo, V.
  4. Fontecha-Barriuso, M.
  5. Vicente-Vicente, L.
  6. Casanova, A.G.
  7. Prieto, M.
  8. Pescador, M.
  9. Morales, A.I.
  10. López-Novoa, J.M.
  11. Martínez-Salgado, C.
  12. López-Hernández, F.J.
New Horizons in Translational Medicine

ISSN: 2307-5023

Datum der Publikation: 2015

Ausgabe: 2

Nummer: 4-5

Seiten: 110-117

Art: Rezension

DOI: 10.1016/J.NHTM.2015.05.002 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen Access editor

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