Imported cystic echinococcosis in western Spain: A retrospective study

  1. Romero-Alegria, A.
  2. Belhassen-García, M.
  3. Alonso-Sardón, M.
  4. Velasco-Tirado, V.
  5. Lopez-Bernus, A.
  6. Carpio-Pérez, A.
  7. Muñoz Bellido, J.L.
  8. Muro, A.
  9. Cordero, M.
  10. Pardo-Lledias, J.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

ISSN: 1878-3503 0035-9203

Année de publication: 2016

Volumen: 110

Número: 11

Pages: 664-669

Type: Article

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