Impact of somatic and germline mutations on the outcome of systemic mastocytosis
- Muñoz-Gonźalez, J.I.
- Jara-Acevedo, M.
- Alvarez-Twose, I.
- Merker, J.D.
- Teodosio, C.
- Hou, Y.
- Henriques, A.
- Roskin, K.M.
- Sanchez-Muñoz, L.
- Tsai, A.G.
- Caldas, C.
- Matito, A.
- Ignacio Śanchez-Gallego, J.
- Mayado, A.
- Dasilva-Freire, N.
- Gotlib, J.R.
- Escribano, L.
- Orfao, A.
- García-Montero, A.C.
ISSN: 2473-9537, 2473-9529
Year of publication: 2018
Volume: 2
Issue: 21
Pages: 2814-2828
Type: Article