Helicity in a Twist: Attosecond, Extreme Ultraviolet Vortex Beams with Designer Spin and Orbital Angular Momenta

  1. Dorney, K.M.
  2. Rego, L.
  3. Brooks, N.J.
  4. Roman, J.S.
  5. Liao, C.-T.
  6. Ellis, J.L.
  7. Zusin, D.
  8. Gentry, C.
  9. Nguyen, Q.L.
  10. Shaw, J.M.
  11. Picon, A.
  12. Plaja, L.
  13. Kapteyn, H.C.
  14. Murnane, M.M.
  15. Hernandez-Garcia, C.
2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2019 - Proceedings

ISBN: 9781943580576

Year of publication: 2019

Type: Conference paper

DOI: 10.23919/CLEO.2019.8749379 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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