La Constitución de Cádiz en el Trienio Liberal (algunos problemas que planteó su viabilidad práctica)
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 1657-3978
Year of publication: 2013
Volume: 13
Issue: 1
Pages: 11-36
Type: Article
More publications in: Criterio jurídico
Sustainable development goals
The story of modern constitutionalism in Spain begins with the Spanish Constitution of 1812 (Constitution of Cádiz). This text brought together French revolutionary ideas of the late eighteenth century. Its articles clearly show the main principles of classic constitutionalism: the democratic principle, the liberal principle, and the principle of constitutional supremacy. The influence of the Constitution of Cádiz outside Spanish borders has given it a certain mythical aura. However, if we analyze the three short periods in which it was in force, adding up to barely six years, we can see how difficult this document proved to be in practice. The Liberal Triennium, from 1820 to 1823, was the longest period in which the Constitution of Cádiz remained in force; this period allows us to appreciate the lights and shadows of this constitution through the intended implementation of the institutions it created. The reality in Spain at that time did not allow the Spanish Constitution of 1812 to become a normative constitution.
Bibliographic References
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