Promoción y garantía de derechos, un hito en la transformación de Bogotá D.C. 1991-2015explorando la complejidad en la infancia vulnerada

  1. Bermúdez León, Oscar Miguel
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Víctor Martín García Co-director
  2. Maira Judith Contreras Santos Director

Defence university: Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 05 July 2018

  1. Vidal Alonso Secades Chair
  2. Alberto Pedrero-Esteban Committee member
  3. José Ramos Domingo Committee member
  4. Juan Jesús Luna Cortés Committee member

Type: Thesis


Since 1991, Colombia has been a Social State of Law in which the discourse regarding the guarantee of rights has progressively been reflected in jurisprudence as well as in the planning instruments and other official sources. Simultaneously, Bogotá has achieved social, economic, political transformations, among others, which has allowed it to become visible in the cities of the world. In this context, with the orientation of complex thinking, a model of analysis of public policies was elaborated and used. This analysis explored the interactions between the transformations of Bogotá and the guarantee of rights for the population with rights violated with greater emphasis on childhood. After the study it was concluded that in Bogotá, the discourse of the guarantee of rights is generally still distant from the practice in the implementation of public policies. To date, governmental action is measured with indicators of achievement of goals in projects, programs and development plans without having indicators on the scope of the effective enjoyment of rights. It is important to mention that, in general, public servants have little knowledge about public policies and their connection to rights. Even more, actions, through social services, are geared toward meeting project goals. More evident is the fact that citizens do not recognized themselves as subjects of rights and still consider that the attention received from the district administration is help. However, Bogotá is, in Colombia, the city that has advanced the most in the guarantee of rights and in the formulation and implementation of public policies (in a specific sense). These advances have contributed to the transformation of the living conditions for the population with rights violated.