La disponibilidad léxica de los estudiantes preuniversitarios valencianosreflexión metodológica, análisis sociolingüístico y aplicaciones.

  1. Gómez-Devís, M-Begoña
Supervised by:
  1. José Ramón Gómez Molina Director

Defence university: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 22 July 2004

  1. Humberto López Morales Chair
  2. Antonio Briz Gómez Secretary
  3. José Antonio Samper Padilla Committee member
  4. María Teresa Echenique Elizondo Committee member
  5. José Antonio Bartol Hernández Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 103435 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


This survey is one more sample of the investigations which are being carried out in different geographical areas of Spain and Latin-America on lexical availability. They are integrated in the panhispanic project whose final objective is to elaborate a dictionary of lexical usage of the Spanish language. The aims of the study are threefold: firstly, it describes the lexical usage of Spanish in the province of Valencia by applying quantitative procedures of lexico-statistics and presents the inventory of available lexis; secondly, according with the quantity and quality assumptions of variationist socio-linguistics, it analyses the co-variation between the different social factors of sex, habitual language, type of school, place of residence, socio-cultural level and the obtained lexical results, which allows us to determine the sociolectal stratification of this community; thirdly, following the orientations of psycholinguistics, it shows the degree of qualitative convergence amongst the conceptual associations which the Spanish-speaking and Catalan-speaking groups establish upon the same stimuli within the sixteen topics. Finally, it must be mentioned as most relevant conclusions that; remarkable differences can globally be observed in the lexical productivity within the different topics; also,that the most discriminating socio-logical variable is the type of school, followed by socio-cultural level and sex; and that the degree of global convergence of nuclear and proto-typical terms in both languages is quite high within the sixteen topics, about 75%.