Cizallamientos subverticales posteriores a la segunda fase de deformación hercínica al sur de Salamanca (Zona Centro Ibérica)
- M.A. Díez Balda 1
- J. L. García Casquero 2
- V. Monteserín López 2
- F. Nozal Martín 2
- M.V. Pardo Alonso 2
- R. Robles Casas 2
Universidad de Salamanca
Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
ISSN: 0214-2708
Year of publication: 1990
Volume: 3
Issue: 1-2
Pages: 117-125
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España
South of Salamanca city two thick detritic units: Monterrubio and Aldeatejada Formations outcrops, they are certainly beneath the fossiliferous layers of Lower Cambrian age (Tamames Sandstones and Tamames Limestones), and in stratigraphic continuity. Boths formations are correlatable with the Pusa Formation in the Montes de Toledo area (SE of Central Iberian Zone) and they may be probably attributed to the Lower Cambrian. Moreover, there is not evidence in the area mapped here of unconformities younger than the sardic. In this paper we present a new cartography and a structural scheme that modified the previous published with interference patterns between the First phase folds and latter folds that may be interpreted as produced by a dextral WNW-ESE subvertical shear zone. This shear zone could be dated between the first and third hercynian phases. We think that during the D3 phase of deformation this area, and the CIZ, have been shortened in NNE-SSW direction (coherent with the distribution of S3 crenulation) and in our opinion this shortening was partially accommodated by the development of subvertical ductile shear zones.