Cuéntame un cuento. La introducción en el aula del "Storytelling" digital
- 1 Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
- López Esteban, Carmen (dir.)
Publisher: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca ; Universidad de Salamanca
ISBN: 978-84-9012-888-6, 978-84-1311-304-3
Year of publication: 2018
Pages: 191-202
Type: Book chapter
Sustainable development goals
One of the main differences between men and animals is the use of language as a means oftransmitting knowledge and knowledge. From the moment the child learns to speak, he em-barks on the adventure of telling stories, an apparently simple action that hides enormous dif-ficulties. In the present work we present concisely what is Storytelling, or the recovery of theart of Storytelling. A technique that has gained ground in all those activities in which the wordis fundamental. With the development of Web 2.0. and hypertext, the use of digital Storyte-lling has become widespread, especially in the field of education. This article mains advanta-ges that the use of this resource has in the classrooms for both teachers and students, since itallows working with the so-called digital literacy. In addition, for the article to be as useful aspossible, some free tools are indicated that teachers can use to incorporate digital stories intheir teaching practice –from the creation of attractive presentations, to infographics or crea-ting stories or audiovisual stories–, pointing your main utility and providing the website whe-re you can find it. The article has, therefore, an approach with an eminently practical tendency,seeking that the teacher knows this communicative tool and that can incorporate it into hisdaily teaching practice