Contraste en la ejecución de auscultaciones geodésicas por métodos clásicos y con láser escáner

  1. Luis Ruiz, Julio Manuel de
Supervised by:
  1. Benjamín Piña Paton Director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 04 March 2010

  1. Alfonso Núñez-García del Pozo Chair
  2. Fernando Fadón Salazar Secretary
  3. Benjamín Arias Pérez Committee member
  4. Juan José Salaberri Sagasta Committee member
  5. José A. Malpica Velasco Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 288149 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


The main objective of this research is to contrast geodetic auscultations which are currently being carried out by traditional methods and those which can be considered with the appearance of the laser scanner within the area of topography. It�s not a question of determining if the level of accuracy is comparable, as this can be done by simply verifying the instrumental specifications used in both cases, indicating that it is not possible, but that given a method whose order of accuracy is greater (traditional geodetic auscultations), it�s a question of determining the level of accuracy which can be obtained with geodetic auscultations proposed by the laser scanner. The whole aim of this is to search for applications in which this type of instrument may find a place in the future.