Análisis coste efectividad entre la cordectomía transoral con láser CO2, la cordectomía por laringofisura y la radioterapia en el tratamiento del carcinoma glótico en estadios iniciales

  1. Díaz de Cerio Canduela, Pedro
Supervised by:
  1. Julián A. Preciado López Director
  2. Francisco Santaolalla Montoya Director

Defence university: Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Fecha de defensa: 10 February 2012

  1. Jose Maria Sanchez Fernandez Chair
  2. Secundino Fernández González Secretary
  3. Jorge Basterra Alegría Committee member
  4. Manuel Bernal Sprekelsen Committee member
  5. Juan Luis Gómez González Committee member

Type: Thesis


Traditionally doctors have been unrelated to the impact of the economy in our daily work, either by poor economic background in the medical degree, either by not considering our business. We must be aware that we manage limited economic resources, and now also scarce. That's why it is important to use economic analysis in health sciences as a tool in support of clinical decision making. This research involves the application of economic analysis in health sciences in the particular case of the treatment of vocal cord carcinoma. Currently for the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of vocal cord there are three established treatments, the cordectomy by laryngofissure or open-surgery, external radiation therapy and endoscopic surgery with CO2 laser. The cost-effectiveness study shows that the CO2 laser treatment option is more cost effectiveness and therefore dominant over the other options. This study also serves as a support to help in decision-making in the treatment of epidermoid carcinoma of the vocal cord. Thus, it is increasingly important to include economics in decision-making and cost-effectiveness studies, for its simplicity and ease of performance are ideal in health sciences.