El contador de historias y la máquina del sonidouna aproximación a las interacciones musicales en la vida y obra de Roald Dahl
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 2171-9624
Year of publication: 2020
Issue: 22
Type: Article
More publications in: Álabe: Revista de Investigación sobre Lectura y Escritura
Writer Roald Dahl is responsiblefor some of the most imaginative stories thatuniversal literature has given us in the 20thcentury. These stories, their characters, andan inimitable style, have created a unique universethat is part of a cultural heritage whichis transmitted from generation to generation.This universe remains in the unconscious ofthe community in the whole world.The reference, direct or indirect, to the worldof music, is one of the resources that the authoruses recurrently and intentionally withdifferent purposes: as a metaphor for socialcriticism, as a resource for dramatization, forpsychological characterization of the character,etc. He does it, moreover, with an in-depthknowledge of the resources that this mediumoffers to literary expression, and of the theoreticalsubstrates of the musical art itself.The present work represents an approximationto the role played by the universe ofsounds in Dahl’s work; from the references inhis work, the creation of operas or musicalsbased on his stories, or the use and identificationsof his compositions as a teaching resourcein training and promoting reading in theearliest stages of education.
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