Clubs de lectura en la universidadmirando a la biblioteca pública
- 1 Centro de Desarrollo Sociocultural. Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 2171-9624
Year of publication: 2020
Issue: 21
Type: Article
More publications in: Álabe: Revista de Investigación sobre Lectura y Escritura
The public library in Spain, in its efforttowards reading promotion, has opted forbook clubs, both in a face-to-face mode and, asin recent years, virtually or within the cloud.The clubs have proved to be, additionally, aseffective tools to constructs groups of peoplethrough the socialization of reading. Should wetake a look at the public library and its clubs,and adapt them to the university environment?Through the analysis of a selection of experiencesdeveloped within Spanish public anduniversity libraries, including the setting up oftwo clubs in a university context framed bythe Research Project “Book clubs as a tool forreading promotion in the academic and schoolenvironment” (Solórzano Barruso FoundationFS / S-2017) from the University of Salamanca,it is concluded that for a virtual reading clubto work it is necessary to plan rigorously, tochoose an appropriate social network that willbe utilized, to previously train the coordinatorand the readers, to energize conversations andto integrate face-to-face experiences in thevirtual club.
Bibliographic References
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