Between ActsInfluence, Negotiate, Encounter, Instigate, Narrate: Re-writing the Relations Between Art and Situated Knowledge Found in Times of Crisis

  1. Virginia Villaplana
  2. Montse Romani
  3. Diego del Pozo
The Constituent Museum: Constellations of Knowledge, Politics and Mediation: A Generator of Social Change
  1. John Byrne (coord.)
  2. Elinor Morgan (coord.)
  3. November Paynter (coord.)
  4. Aida Sánchez (coord.)
  5. Adela Železnik (coord.)

Editorial: Valiz

ISBN: 978-94-92095-42-8

Año de publicación: 2018

Páginas: 196-201

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro