Desde la proclamación de la República al 18 de julio de 1936el cambio de rumbo político en la II División Orgánica. 2 Volúmenes

  1. Gil Honduvilla, Joaquín
Supervised by:
  1. Encarnación Lemus López Director
  2. José María Marín Arce Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 20 July 2009

  1. Josefina Cuesta Bustillo Chair
  2. Cristóbal García García Secretary
  3. Julio Gil Pecharromán Committee member
  4. Leandro Álvarez Rey Committee member
  5. Àngel Duarte Montserrat Committee member

Type: Thesis


Analysis of the process of change of mentality of the military men in the period 1931-1936 and of the circunstances that determinate that a few officials who in 1931 accepted without resistance the new regiment, five year later were proceeding to demolish, all this in the spatial area of II Organic Division.