Prevalence and Significance of Interatrial Block in Takotsubo Syndrome (from the RETAKO Registry)

  1. Martín-Demiguel, I.
  2. Núñez-Gil, I.J.
  3. Pérez-Castellanos, A.
  4. Vedia, O.
  5. Uribarri, A.
  6. Durán-Cambra, A.
  7. Martín-García, A.
  8. Corbí-Pascual, M.
  9. Guillén Marzo, M.
  10. Martínez-Sellés, M.
American Journal of Cardiology

ISSN: 1879-1913 0002-9149

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 123

Issue: 12

Pages: 2039-2043

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.AMJCARD.2019.03.028 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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