Adoption of ICTs by communication researchers for scientific diffusion and data analysis
- Carlos Arcila Calderón 1
- Mabel Calderín 2
- Ignacio Aguaded
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
- 2 Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Venezuela)
ISSN: 1386-6710, 1699-2407
Year of publication: 2015
Issue Title: Información científica
Volume: 24
Issue: 5
Pages: 526-536
Type: Article
More publications in: El profesional de la información
This study examines the actual use of ICTs by communication and media researchers for scientific diffusion and data analysis. Survey data were collected from members of the International Communication Association (ICA) (n=295). Adoption rate averages of most of the tools were close to the median, except for Twitter, grids, and simulation software. Consistent with past research and the Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (Utaut), we found that performance expectancy is a predictor of adoption, though this relation was not moderated by age or gender. In the case of scholarly environments, we found that scientific collaboration is a stronger predictor of actual use. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.
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